Terms of Service
Welcome to the Sonos Developer Program! We have always believed that sound is the soul of the home, and we are excited to help you build new and compelling experiences on the Sonos platform. These Sonos Platform Terms of Service (“Terms”) are made in agreement between you (either an individual or an entity, referred to herein as “you”) and Sonos, Inc. (“Sonos or “we”) and governs your access to and use of the Sonos developer portal and the Sonos materials within.
These Terms outline what you need to know.
- How to get the music playing….Registration.
a. In order to gain access to Integration Manager on the platform portal, you must first register for an account. By registering for an account and by your use of the developer portal, you hereby consent to these Terms. We may use the name and contact you provide during registration in accordance with our privacy policy, which may include contacting you for support issues or to inform you about improvements to the developer portal. For more details on the info we may collect from you, see Section 8(h) below.
b. Once you have registered, you will have the ability to generate a unique app key for each product you create. Do not create app keys for any other party.
c. You will not misrepresent yourself or your product’s identity when using the APIs or Sonos developer account. Your app key can only be used with the app to which it is assigned.
d. You agree that we may monitor use of the APIs to ensure quality, improve Sonos products or services, and verify your compliance with these Terms. - Rock out….Building a compelling product.
a. Cloud API Creations. Solely for purposes of developing using Sonos Cloud APIs, subject to these Terms, Sonos grants to you and you accept a limited, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, license under Sonos’ intellectual property rights to use the Sonos Cloud APIs and Sonos materials, including replication of and/or integration of some or all of the materials into your app or product, solely for the purpose of developing, publishing and distributing your app or product. You do not, however, have the right to distribute any of the Sonos APIs or Sonos materials (or any portion thereof), except as part of your app or product and in accordance with the license grant herein.
b. LAN API Creations. For purposes of developing using Sonos LAN APIs, subject to these Terms, Sonos grants to you and you accept a limited, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, license under Sonos’ intellectual property rights to use the Sonos LAN APIs and Sonos materials, including replication of and/or integration of some or all of the materials into your app or product, solely for internal evaluation and testing of your app or product. As it relates to development of your app or product using Sonos LAN APIs, you agree that these Terms do not provide you a license for additional uses of the Sonos API’s and materials beyond those for initial evaluation/testing purposes as stated herein. This means that before you can engage in commercial use, publication, and/or distribution of your LAN-based app or product (even where LAN APIs are used in conjunction with Cloud APIs), you agree that a separate license agreement is required.
c. You recognize that beyond those license grants listed in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, additional functionality (including for Commercial API usage) may require an additional license.
d. Build an app or product that is secure. You agree to comply with all security guidelines presented within the developer portal.
e. Don’t harm the Sonos ecosystem. For example, don’t use the APIs in a way that would be disruptive to other apps or products.
f. You acknowledge that periodically, updates may occur within our platform, resulting in changes to how the platform is interfaced. You agree to use reasonable efforts to promptly fix your app or product to the extent portal updates affect the functionality of it.
g. If your app or product contains third party content (for example music, images, video) you will only use content for which you have the legal rights to do so and you agree to abide by our third party partners’ guidelines, to the extent they are applicable to you (for example, if your app or product is an integration display device). Sonos may request evidence of such rights.
h. You agree that we may monitor your use of the Sonos APIs to ensure quality, improve Sonos Products or services, and/or verify compliance with these Terms. Upon request, you will provide a report regarding your detailed use of the APIs (e.g. How and which APIs are being called, contextual data, etc.).
i. We have guidelines on building a good app/product that you agree to work towards.
j. If you are a content service, you additionally agree to comply with the Sonos Music API terms and conditions. As a content service, you can sign in to your existing account or create a new account here.
k. We may offer support regarding the Sonos APIs via the community forums on sonos.com but have no obligation to offer any support related to other functionality of the Sonos system that is not a supported part of the Sonos platform.
l. Speaking of support, you will provide support for your app or product. You will provide us, when requested, with reasonable technical support to answer questions and provide consultation regarding your app or product. - Bye, Bye, Bye…Suspension and revocation.
We may suspend access to the developer portal, limit the number of API calls your product makes, or revoke your app key with limited to no notice if you violate the letter or spirit of these Terms, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for Sonos. In the event you are not in compliance with our sound experience guidelines, you agree to promptly fix such violations using commercially reasonable efforts to do so. Accordingly, you agree to abide bythe below:
a. Do not collect or record content data (including data about specific music services, albums, playlists or songs) or data deriving from one of Sonos’ third party content-based partners which you have access to solely by virtue of participating as a developer within our developer portal.
b. Do not use your product for illegal activity or to violate third party rights.
c. Do not use your product to enable unauthorized access to any music or audio service.
d. Don’t do anything that would introduce the Sonos products or platform to any viruses, trojan horses, malware, or other items of a destructive nature.
e. Do not use the Sonos APIs to enable playback of audio on any non-Sonos device.
f. Do not disrupt (or attempt to disrupt) the servers or networks providing the Sonos APIs.
g. Do not reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code from any Sonos software, including the APIs.
h. Do not use the official Sonos APIs documented on the developer portal for anything other than the Sonos aspects of your product.
i. Do not use the APIs for any app or product where the use or failure of the APIs could lead to personal injury, death, cause or promote harm to another person or cause other damage (e.g. don’t make a fire alarm warning signal that exclusively plays from a Sonos speaker).
j. Do not play audio tracks on a speaker or group at zero volume without the user’s explicit intent.
k. If we have reason to believe you are in breach of these Terms or there is a security breach related to your app/product or if you are violating the representations and warranties you make in Section 11 below, we may likewise suspend or revoke your portal access. - Better together…Feedback.
a. You are free to suggest ideas about how we may improve Sonos products or the Sonos platform. We may use (or allow others to use) any feedback you provide without restriction. - R-E-S-P-E-C-T…Using the Sonos brand.
a. You may solely use the Sonos brand as outlined in our third-party brand guidelines found here.
b. You may not use the Sonos certification language, logo(s), or trademarks until you become a certified app or product (including the phrase “Works with Sonos”). You acknowledge certification is granted solely at Sonos’ discretion.
c. You may not make any statement which implies an endorsement by or partnership with Sonos.
d. You agree not to take actions adverse to the Sonos brand or trademarks (including product names or the Sonos certification brand), nor attempt to register for any trademark containing Sonos trademarks without Sonos’ authorized consent. - I do not want what I haven’t got…Ownership.
a. You own your app/product, but you give Sonos a license to use, display, and link to your app/product (including your associated trademarks and/or images) for demo and marketing purposes.
b. Sonos retains all rights in the Sonos APIs, Sonos materials, Sonos products, and the Sonos platform. Sonos grants to you only the limited rights outlined in these Terms. By using the Sonos APIs you do not acquire any ownership rights to those APIs or any intellectual property therein. Nor do you acquire rights to any other Sonos intellectual property or any of the content accessed through the Sonos platform.
c. You recognize and understand that certain features of the Sonos APIs may be protected by Patent law. You can learn more about Sonos’ patent portfolio here.
d. You acknowledge that certain code on this website may contain elements of open source. You will follow any requirements stated in the applicable license related to such code. You may find a list of open source used in Sonos products here. - Keep it like a secret…Confidential Info.
a. Our APIs and communications to you may contain Sonos confidential information.Any non-public information provided to you (regardless of form) that is either marked as confidential or that would normally be considered confidential based on the circumstances shall be kept in confidence by you (as if it were your own information) and not disclosed to any third party until such information becomes publicly known. Confidential information doesn’t include anything that is publicly known, you have independently developed without reference to any Sonos confidential information, or that was rightfully given to you by a third party under no confidentiality obligations. You may provide confidential information when compelled by law provided you give Sonos advance notice of any disclosure.
b. Do not share Sonos confidential information outside of your organization (and within your organization, only share with those who have a need-to-know basis). This includes APIs (syntax, methods, code snippets, etc.), the features we support, documentation details and other content or materials you find within the portal – we consider this all to be confidential info. - Digital Witness…Data and Privacy.
a. You must comply with all applicable local data protection rules and regulations.
b. If you collect data from end users, you will give them a way to control their own data, including (when possible) the ability to opt out of such collection.
c. Any end user data collected without end user’s consent may only be kept in aggregated and anonymized form.
d. You must provide an easy-to-locate privacy policy outlining what data you collect and how you use that data. Follow your privacy policy and link to it in any app marketplace that allows it.
e. Your privacy policy must be consistent with all applicable laws and be no less protective of end users than our Privacy Statement located at https://www.sonos.com/en-us/legal/privacy.
f. You will ensure that data associated with a particular end user will be deleted within a reasonable time if one of your end users so requests.
g. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to protect any data which you collect.
h. When an end user’s non-public content is obtained via your app/product, you may not expose that content to other end users or third parties without explicit consent from that end user.
i. Info Sonos may collect from you includes:
i. Info at the time of registration in order to contact you and save your integration details such as your name, email address, title information, or company name;
ii. Following registration, you may optionally provide your phone number to help us get in touch with you regarding any questions about your account or your use of the developer portal, including the Sonos APIs and materials;
iii. Info to help us determine who to contact if your integration breaks or requires troubleshooting including name, email and phone number (optional);
iv. Psudo-anonymized data to help us understand usage within the developer portal and how to build a better product such as pageviews, web browser info, time spent in the developer portal, high-level geo-location, unique pageviews, and button/link clicks;
v. Data related to your app or product including its name and description (in order to display to an end user upon login), API usage, IP address, and device info, to help us understand usage and performance and improve the APIs offered to you. This also helps us ensure you are adhering to these Terms. - The thrill is gone…Termination.
a. If you want to terminate your relationship with us simply let us know in writing and send to [email protected].
b. Within a reasonable time of your notification, Sonos will agree to remove any links to your product and cease any use of your trademarks.
c. If you have terminated these Terms, you may not offer any functionality developed using the Sonos APIs as part of your app or product. - I will survive…Survival.
When our relationship and these Terms come to an end, those terms that by their nature are intended to continue, shall survive (including but not limited to the confidentiality provisions of Section 7). - The promise…Reps and warranties.
a. You represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to enter into these Terms and if you accept these Terms on behalf of your organization, you represent that you have authority to bind your organization (including any parent, subsidiaries, and/or sibling companies) to these Terms.
b. You represent and warrant that your app or product does not contain any unauthorized third party intellectual property.
c. If you supply any content through your app or product, you represent and warrant that you will pay all fees and/or royalties associated with any license for such content.
You will defend and indemnify Sonos (including affiliates, officers, employees and directors) against any and all liability relating to any allegation or proceeding arising from (a) your misuse of the Sonos APIs; (b) your violation of these Terms, including but not limited to any third-party claim of IP infringement or violation of data and privacy protection laws. - You oughta know…Additional terms and info.
a. If we have any dispute regarding these Terms, the exclusive venue for resolution of our dispute is the state and/or federal courts of Santa Barbara County, California and you hereby submit to such jurisdiction. California law will apply.
b. We may change these Terms as necessary. You should regularly check these Terms for any such changes. When we make changes, we will endeavor to provide you notice of the changes within the developer portal, via email, or using other methods. Your continued use of the APIs is your consent to any updated Terms.
c. These Terms do not create any third-party beneficiary rights or any agency, partnership or joint venture.
d. You may not assign or transfer any part of these Terms without the written consent of Sonos.
e. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Sonos regarding the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior communications, negotiations, understandings, agreements or representations, either written or oral, regarding the subject matter.
Updated almost 2 years ago