Get started
Don’t know where to start? Check out How Sonos Works to learn about the features and architecture of the Sonos system.
Looking for the Sonos Music API (SMAPI) documentation? Check it out here and register on Sonos Labs to get started.
Do you offer music or other content to business or commercial accounts? Get started.
Or contact [email protected] for more info.
Have questions? Ask our developer community
Have questions on your code? Take a look around Stack Overflow. A lot of developers have asked questions and gotten answers there already. If you can’t find an answer, feel free to ask a new question on Stack Overflow. We ask that you only ask specific questions about building and coding with the Sonos Sound Platform.
- Don’t use Stack Overflow for open-ended questions, general feedback, or bug reports to Sonos.
- Take a look at what Stack Overflow has put together for helpful tips.
- Don’t forget to tag “Sonos” in the question to notify Sonos Developers.
Any feedback? Let us know
Do you have any feedback on the Sound Platform? Any concerns? Do you see a typo or a bug?
Let us know at [email protected].
Updated almost 2 years ago