Related text
To add your own action to the Info View that displays text, use the relatedText
element in your getExtendedMetadata
response. Also use your localization file to define the text shown in the Info View of the Sonos app. The following figure shows an example of a related text action.

The following steps describe how to implement the related text action:
Here's an example of the text in the i18next file for the example above:
{ "en-US":{ "common":{ ... }, "integration":{ "ABOUT_ARTIST": "About the Artist" ... } }, }
When the listener selects the ellipsis (...) to see the Info View, Sonos sends your service a
request. This example is for a track item.<s:Envelope xmlns:s="<>"> <s:Header> ... </s:Header> <s:Body> <getExtendedMetadata xmlns=""> <id>track:123456</id> </getExtendedMetadata> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Include all the custom action items for the Info View in your
response. To simplify this example we'll show the related text custom action.<s:Envelope xmlns:s="<>" xmlns:ns="<>"> <s:Body> <ns:getExtendedMetadataResponse> <ns:getExtendedMetadataResult> <ns:mediaMetadata> <ns:id>track:123456</ns:id> <ns:itemType>track</ns:itemType> <ns:title>This is the title</ns:title> <ns:genre>Alternative</ns:genre> <ns:mimeType>audio/mp3</ns:mimeType> <ns:trackMetadata> <ns:artistId>a:12345678</ns:artistId> <ns:artist>Example Artist</ns:artist> <ns:albumId>M:123456</ns:albumid> <ns:genre>Alternative</ns:genre> <ns:duration>236</ns:duration> <ns:albumArtURI><></ns:albumArtURI> <ns:canPlay>true</ns:canPlay> <ns:canSkip>true</ns:canSkip> <ns:canAddToFavorites>true</ns:canAddToFavorites> </ns:trackMetadata> . . . Details for other custom actions in the Info View are not shown . . . <ns:relatedText> <ns:id>track:123456</ns:id> <ns:type>ABOUT_ARTIST</ns:type> </ns:relatedText> . . . Details for other custom actions in the Info View are not shown . . . </ns:getExtendedMetadataResult> </ns:getExtendedMetadataResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
value in therelatedText
element corresponds to astringId
of the same ID in your strings.xml file. This string is what displays in the Info View of the Sonos app. -
When a user chooses a related text action, the Sonos app sends a
request to your service using the givenid
.<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="<>"> <soap:Body> <getExtendedMetadataText xmlns=""> <id>track:123456</id> <type>ABOUT_ARTIST</type> </getExtendedMetadataText> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Your service should return the
response containing the text to display. For example, when a user chooses About the Artist, your service would return a text description of that artist.<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="<>"> <soap:Body> <getExtendedMetadataTextResponse xmlns=""> <getExtendedMetadataTextResult> This is a basic description of this artist... </getExtendedMetadataTextResult> </getExtendedMetadataTextResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Updated 9 months ago