High-definition audio badging
Sonos players support High-Definition (HD) audio (16-bit and 24-bit lossless) and Dolby Atmos audio. Whenever a user plays HD or Dolby Atmos content, the Now Playing screen will display a corresponding badge. This badge informs users that they are listening to HD, Dolby Atmos, or other type of content, as shown below:

This badge is dynamic and will be removed if the content is either in lossy format or below 16-bit lossless.
How to badge an audio stream
The Sonos application supports text-based badging using definitions provided in the Browse Options section of the submission form.

There are a few notes that you should keep in mind when filling out the submission form:
- Keep Text to 10 characters or fewer.
- The Text is case-sensitive. For example, “HiRes” is not the same as “HIRES”. Sonos app will display the provided text as-is.
- For Dolby Atmos content, Sonos application will automatically display Dolby Atmos badge.
Updated 11 months ago