
This endpoint is deprecated

See Add reporting for details.

Sonos uses reportPlayStatus to report play status changes on a Sonos player. You must enable the "Playback event logging during track play" capability to receive these reports from players. See Add capabilities for details.

Request parameters

idstring(128)The ID of the played track.
statusstring(128)The type of play status change (see below).
contextIdstringSonos provides an ID to add context about where the track was playing from. For example, if a user browsed to an album and queued the album container, the contextId would be the album container ID. If they played a track, it would be the track ID. Supported sources include:

- program radio
- single track
- album
- a playlist from your service
- artist
- stream
- audiobookThis is empty if a user plays a Sonos playlist. Select the "Add play context to reporting" capability to enable. See Add capabilities for details.
offsetMillisintThe playhead position, in milliseconds for the track. This is only reported if the track or the container that the track is in has a canResume value of true. See Save & resume playback for details.



Play statuses

skippedTrackTrack has ended due to a skip action.
pausedTrack is paused.

Other play statuses forthcoming. Be sure to develop your implementation to be extensible to handle them.


  • This method allows Sonos players to report a status for a given track. Other play statuses are forthcoming in future releases. Be sure to develop your implementation so that you handle them or ignore them, but don't fail on them.
  • Set the "Playback event logging during track play" capability to enable Sonos players to use this type of reporting and the "Add play context to reporting" capability to enable players to send the contextId. See Add capabilities for details.

Sample request

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <reportPlayStatus xmlns=""> <id>t10001</id> <status>skippedTrack</status> <contextId>album:2343</contextId> </reportPlayStatus> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Sample response

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <reportPlayStatusResponse xmlns=""> <reportPlayStatusResult> </reportPlayStatusResult> </reportPlayStatusResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

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