Audio Feedback
Your integration might play sounds, either for feedback, or to provide notifications. Use them sparingly. Users generally want to listen to music, watch a movie, or watch TV more than they want to be interrupted with alert sounds.
The tones we create to play through our speakers are neutral, restrained, modern, refined, and simple. The tone of the sound that you play is up to you and should reflect your product requirements and brand. If you'd like some guidance, we use the following principles to help us create sounds that play through Sonos speakers.
Avoid musical riffs and passages
The primary purpose of feedback is to provide confirmation or alert if something is amiss. Avoid drawing too much attention to the sound itself by using something overly elaborate.
Avoid real world sounds
Real world sounds can evoke different feelings in different people, again diverting attention from the meaning behind sound.
Don't be overly harsh or metallic
The tone of a feedback sound should not cause or add stress in any moment. It should not feel harsh.
Be brief
Sounds should communicate their meaning in as little time as possible so as not to break the current moment.
Minimize interruption of music and content
Music and content is always the most important thing for our products, interruptions should be kept to the absolute minimum.
Updated almost 2 years ago