Sonos uses the getExtendedMetadata
request to display more information about the content in the Sonos app. See Add actions for details.
Request parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string (128) | The unique id of the item about which extended metadata is being requested. This can be any valid itemType. |
Include the response in a getExtendedMetadataResult
inside a getExtendedMetadataResponse
element. See SMAPI object types for details about these element.
Name | Type | Description |
mediaCollection | complex | A complex type describing an album , artist , program , container , etc. |
mediaMetadata | complex | A complex type describing a track or stream . |
relatedBrowse | complex | (Optional) Array of relatedBrowse elements. |
relatedText | complex [0..n] | (Optional) Array of relatedText elements. |
relatedPlay | complex [0..n] | (Optional) Array of relatedPlay elements. |
relatedActions | complex [0..1] | (Optional) Array of action elements. |
- Your service should return either a
or amediaCollection
. Return amediaMetadata
if describing an individual item such as atrack
, orshow
. Return amediaCollection
if describing a collection of items, such as an album or artist. See SMAPI object types for details of these elements. - The response could optionally include one or more each of
, andrelatedPlay
elements. The response could include onerelatedActions
element. - The
node may optionally contain adynamic
tag. See the Dynamic ratings section in Develop ratings for details. - By default, Sonos calls getExtendedMetadata for any itemType except playlist, program, and stream. However, you can set Sonos to call getExtendedMetadata for these item types by setting capability flags. See Add capabilities for details.
- For the program and stream item types, enable the "Extended Metadata for radio and streams..." capability flag.
- For the playlist item type, enable the "Extended Metadata for playlists..." capability flag. Note that you can develop and test extended metadata for playlists using customSD, but you need to contact your developer advocate to enable it in production. See Test your service for details about testing with customSD.
Sample request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getExtendedMetadata xmlns="">
Sample response for a track
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getExtendedMetadataResponse xmlns="">
<title>Example Track</title>
<album>Dethalbum II</album>
Sample response for an artist
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getExtendedMetadataResponse xmlns="">
<title>Example Artist</title>
<id>RPA:123456 </id>
Sample response for an album
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getExtendedMetadataResponse xmlns="">
<mediaCollection readonly="true">
<title>Example Album</title>
<artist>Example Artist</artist>
Sample response for a program
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getExtendedMetadataResponse xmlns="">
<title>Example Program</title>
Sample response for a playlist
<soap:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:ns="">
<mediaCollection readOnly="false" renameable="true" userContent="true">
<title>Your New Playlist</title>
Updated over 1 year ago