One way to play audio on Sonos is by using a cloud queue, a list of tracks that you host on a server that the player can access. See Play audio for details. Use the loadCloudQueue command in the playbackSession namespace to load, and optionally start playback of, an item in a cloud queue.

This command requires that your app has an open playback session with a cloud queue, created or joined using the createSession, joinSession, or joinOrCreateSession command.

If you want to immediately start playing the track, set the playOnCompletion parameter to true. This bypasses the need to send a play command after the player loads the track. You should also send playback objects with information about the track in the trackMetadata parameter. This optimization improves the user experience by starting playback for the first track before the player fetches tracks from the cloud queue server.

After receiving the loadCloudQueue command, the player will fetch a window of tracks from the cloud queue server centered around the item with the itemId that your app provided. If the track was deleted, the group will play the next track in the queue. For more details, see the Cloud Queue API /itemWindow endpoint.

All commands in the playback and playbackMetadata namespace also apply to the cloud queue playback. For example, you can send the play or pause command in the playback namespace to play or pause a cloud queue track on a player.

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